PublishedArticles 869
편집자 주: 34권 2호
Editorial for Vol. 34, No. 2
Abstract : The first study analyzes the aeromedical consultation outcomes for Korean military flight crews diagnosed with malignant tumors. It highlights the increasing incidence of cancers such as thyroid and lung cancer, underscoring the need for regular health check-ups and thorough aeromedical evaluations. The second paper addresses the significant fatigue experienced by air operations control officers due to shift work. It suggests restructuring shift schedules to ensure adequate rest and maintain performance. The third study explores the effects of low-dose radiation on cognitive functions, suggesting potential benefits such as improved cell repair mechanisms, though it also calls for cautious application due to ongoing debates. The fourth paper examines the operational environment for urban air mobility, emphasizing the need for robust air traffic management systems and addressing vertical take-off and landing challenges. Lastly, the fifth study compares Korea’s aircraft maintenance personnel qualification system with international standards, recommending the adoption of competency-based training to enhance educational quality. Together, these studies contribute valuable insights and potential solutions for advancing aerospace and environmental medicine.
Original Article2024-06-30
한국군 공중근무자의 악성 종양 관련 비행적성자문 결과 분석
Analysis of Aeromedical Consultation Related to Malignant Tumor of Korean Military Flight Crews
Abstract : Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the frequency and management protocols for malignant tumors among cases referred for aeromedical consultation. Methods: The research analyzed data collected from aeromedical consultations conducted between January 2014 and December 2022. Parameters examined included demographic information such as sex, age, flight crew classification, and diagnosis. Results: Out of the cases reviewed, 31 patients were diagnosed with malignant tumors, with an average age at diagnosis of 38.5 years, and a male predominance of 26 cases. The most commonly diagnosed malignancies were thyroid cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer. During the initial aeromedical consultation, 22 cases were temporarily grounded while 8 received waivers. Conclusion: Given the potential rise in malignant tumor incidence among flight crews due to advancements in medical technology facilitating early detection, it is imperative to emphasize regular check-ups and carefully evaluate aeromedical suitability for flying.
Original Article2024-06-30
항공작전통제요원의 교대근무 피로에 관한 조사 연구
A Research Study on Shift Work Fatigue of Air Operations Control Officer
Abstract : Purpose: Shift work can have physical and mental effects by destroying the physiological rhythm cycle by working at a times that does not match the worker’s physical and daily life rhythm. Due to the nature of its mission, the Korean Air Force performs 24-hour shift work in various fields, and this study attempted to analyze the sleep quality and mental workload of air defense operation control personnel who require shift work. Methods: Three surveys were conducted to analyze fatigue and job difficulty, etc. A general questionnaire asking about mission-related experience and demographic characteristics, the Korean version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-K), which measures sleep quality, and NASA-TLX (National Aeronautics of Space Administration-task load index), a subjective job difficulty assessment method. Results: Overall, there was no significant difference in the ‘total sleep index’ and ‘job difficulty’ as a result of comparing and analyzing the 5-team 4 shift method and other shift methods, but the ‘total sleep index’ score was analyzed twice as high as the reference score in both comparison groups. Conclusion: In order to prevent shift workers’ sleep-related fatigue and human errors that may arise from this, there is room for improvement in shift work, and as can be seen from the analysis results, it is necessary to manage the schedule by focusing on shift types rather than shift methods.
Review Article2024-06-30
인지기능에 대한 저선량 방사선의 영향
Low-Dose Radiation-Induced Effects on Cognitive Function
Abstract : The relation between the low-dose radiation and the cognitive decline remains limited and controversial. However, the increasing use of high-dose radiation for medical purposes and some historical radiation-related accidents indicated that the low-dose radiation reduced cognitive ability, suggesting the reconsideration of the central nervous system’s low sensitivity to radiation, which has been advocated by conventional radiation biology. Although the continuous stimulation of low-dose radiation is known to be an environmental stressor that causes a critical decline in cognition during space exploration, the overall mechanisms from radiation exposure to cognitive alteration is still lacking. One of its main reasons is the inconsistent empirical results, and there are various possibilities to cause the contradictory consequences, such as the hormesis effect of low-dose radiation, the cellular adaptive responses, the radiation resistance, the bystander effects, and the genomic instability. In this review, we survey the low-dose radiation-induced cognitive studies, targeting learning achievement, emotional changes as well as fundamental cognitive behaviors in both humans and animals. Also, some relevant molecular studies are reappraised to understand the low-dose radiation-induced effects on the cognitive function.
Review Article2024-06-30
도심항공교통 상용화를 위한 운항환경 고찰
A Study on the Operation Environment for the Commercialization of Urban Air Mobility
Abstract : Countries around the world are spending a lot of social costs due to various social problems such as traffic congestion, housing, and living environments caused by urbanization. It is judged that it is urban air mobility (UAM) that can solve these problems, so each country and local government are actively participating in the UAM industry to solve these problems. And it is promoting it to the public with a blueprint as the best alternative that can dramatically solve the congested traffic environment in the city center. However, I don’t think it explains in detail the many limited operating environments and risks to be overcome in order to commercialize UAM. Therefore, I would like to consider the low-altitude airspace operating environment and vertical take-off landing aerodynamic limitations required for stable commercialization of UAM aircraft.
Review Article2024-06-30
우리나라 항공정비사 자격제도 및 훈련 국제화를 위한 연구
A Study on the Internationalization of Korea’s Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Qualification System and Training
Abstract : The aircraft maintenance personnel qualification systems and trainings in Korea are constantly striving to meet the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). However, Korean aircraft maintenance licenses are not recognized in most foreign countries. The reason for this is that the educational standards of the Korean maintenance training curriculum do not meet international standards such as those set by ICAO. Therefore, this study aims to examine the changing trend of The Korean aircraft maintenance qualification system and the current status of maintenance training through the study of international literature on ICAO, European Aviation Safety Agency, Federal Aviation Administration and previous studies in Korea. It will diagnose the problems and provide some suggestions on how to secure the international status of The Korean aircraft maintenance qualification system and the current status of maintenance training, and provide practical suggestions for fostering the aircraft maintenance technician.