Review Article
중력 변화의 면역계에 대한 영향
Altered Gravity and Immune Response
인하대학교 우주항공의생명과학연구소1 , 인하대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실2
Institute of Aerospace Biomedical Science and Technology, Inha University, 2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Inha University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea
Received: April 16, 2018; Accepted: April 19, 2018
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2018; 28(1): 6-8
Published April 30, 2018
Copyright © Aerospace Medical Association of Korea.
It is essential to study the effects of hypergravity on the human body in the research field of aerospace medicine. Previous studies have shown that hypergravity could act in a harmful way to the human body. However, recent studies have shown that moderate degree of hypergravity can act in a beneficial way to the human body. The authors have in particular been studying the effects of hypergravity on immune diseases, especially allergic asthma and rhinitis. Therefore, this review paper will introduce the results of recent studies on hormetic (health promotion) effect of hypergravity. In addition, this review paper also examines the mechanism by which hormetic effect of hypergravity could be possible. Furthermore, we will also discuss how to apply these hormetic effects in clinical practice.
Hypergravity,Immune System Phenomena
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