대한민국 공군 조종사의 직무스트레스 및 사회심리적 요인과 피로수준과의 관련성
Fatigue Symptoms and their Association with Job Stress and Psychosocial Factors in Korea Air Force Pilots
충남대학교 보건대학원 보건학과
Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Public Health Chungnam National University, Seongnam, Korea
Received: September 16, 2014; Accepted: November 11, 2014
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2014; 24(3): 51-63
Published December 31, 2014
Copyright © Aerospace Medical Association of Korea.
This study was conducted to investigate the role of fatigue symptoms and their association with job stress contents and psychosocial factors in Korea Air Force pilots. The self-administered questionnaires were given to 284 pilots from April 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013. Concerning correlation of fatigue symptoms with various factors, the level of fatigue symptoms was positively correlated with job demand, type A behavior pattern and state-trait anxiety. But the level was negatively correlated with job autonomy, supervisor and coworker support and self-esteem. In logistic regression analysis, the adjusted odds ratio of the high risk fatigue symptoms is significantly decreased in higher groups of coworker support than that of their lower group. Instead, the adjusted odds ratio of the high risk fatigue symptoms is significantly increased in higher groups of locus of control and state-trait anxiety than in lower groups of theirs. Multiple regression analysis reveals that fatigue was significantly correlated with job autonomy, type A behavior pattern, state-trait anxiety. The study results indicat that the level of fatigue symptoms is influenced by JCQ (job demand, job autonomy, social support in work) and psychosocial factors (type A behavior pattern, locus of control, self-esteem, state-trait anxiety).
Fatigue,Job stress,Psychosocial factor,Air Force Pilot