편집자 주: 32권 2호
Editorial for Vol. 32, No. 2
서울대학교 국제진료센터
International Healthcare Center, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Received: August 10, 2022; Accepted: August 13, 2022
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022; 32(2): 37-38
Published August 31, 2022
Copyright © Aerospace Medical Association of Korea.
In Vol. 32, No. 2, our journal prepared 3 original articles, 3 review articles, and 1 brief report. A Survey of the laboratory tests item was conducted during aviation medical examination based on the 27 hospitals. The following items were implemented in all institutions, but other items was different by institution. Urine test, ophthalmic test (except fundus test), fasting blood sugar, complete blood cell count, electrocardiogram, electoencephalography, chest X-Ray, pure tone audiometry, and total cholesterol. The impact of COVID-19 on the flight training of student pilots was analyzed through a survey. On the positive side, fewer commercial flights and fewer flights mean more opportunities for students to train. Fewer face-to-face classes have freed up more time for self-care. In other words, students were able to plan and control their exercise, self-study, rest, and sleep time on their own. On the negative side, social distancing prevented them from riding in the back seat, leaving them less chance to get used to the cockpit.
Aerospace medicine, COVID-19, Pilots
- Lee Y. Surgery in space. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:39-43.
- Choi JK. The enhancing error management of pilot and line operation safety audit. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:44-49.
- Hyun WS. Big data: an overview and its applications in medicine and aviation. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:50-55.
- Jang JS, Suh BS, Kwon YH, Kim KS. Investigation of the status of laboratory tests conducted during aviation medical examination. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:56-59.
- Hwang HJ, Choi JK. A thought on the flight training of the students in department of flight operation under COVID-19. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:60-64.
- Lee MJ, Han BS, Lee WC, Kwon YH. Epidemiological aspects of Tsutsugamushi disease (scrub typhus) outbreaks in Republic of Korea and Japan. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:65-69.
- Jang JS. The 92th annual meeting of Aerospace Medical Association at Reno, Nevada. Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022;32:70-73.
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