*Results: 11Japan(Keywords)
Original Article2023-09-30
Epidemic Trends of Imported Shigellosis Cases in Korea and Japan, 2016–2020
Won-Chang Lee , DVM, Ph.D., Myeon-Jin Lee , Ph.D., Kyu Sung Kim , M.D., Ph.D., Young Hwan Kwon , M.D.Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2023; 33(3): 71-75 -
Original Article2023-03-31
Epidemiological Aspects of Imported Melioidosis in Korea and Japan, 2011 to 2020
Myeong-Jin Lee , Ph.D., Kyu Sung Kim , M.D., Ph.D., Won-Chang Lee , DVM, Ph.D., Young Hwan Kwon , M.D.Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2023; 33(1): 32-36 -
Original Article2022-12-31
Epidemiological Aspects of Zika Virus Infection Cases among Overseas Travelers in Korea and Japan
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022; 32(3): 89-93 -
Original Article2022-08-31
Epidemiological Aspects of Tsutsugamushi Disease (Scrub Typhus) Outbreaks in Republic of Korea and Japan
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022; 32(2): 65-69 -
Original Article2022-04-30
Epidemiological Aspects of Hepatitis E Virus Infections between South Korea and Japan
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022; 32(1): 27-31 -
Original Article2021-08-31
Comparative Observation of Body Mass Index among Adults in Korea and Japan
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2021; 31(2): 45-50 -
Original Article2020-08-31
Epidemiologic Trends and Aspects of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Outbreaks in Korea and Japan, 2013~2017
Won-Chang Lee , DVM, MPH, Ph.D., Seung-Yong Park , DVM, M.S., Ph.D., Nong-Hoon Choe , DVM, M.S., Ph.D., Young Hwan Kwon , M.D.Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2020; 30(2): 75-79 -
Original Article2019-12-31
Epidemiological Aspects of Imported Exotic Malaria Cases in the Republic of Korea and Japan, 2015~2017
Myeong-Jin Lee, Ph.D. , Won-Chang Lee, Ph.D. , Young Hwan Kwon, M.D.Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2019; 29(3): 96-100 -
Original Article2011-04-01
Malaria Imported by Travelers: Epidemiological Aspects in Korea and Japan
Sang-Hee Park, Myeong-Jin Lee, Kook-Hwan Rhim, Hyeong-Ae Bang, Won-Chang LeeKorean J Aerosp Environ Med 2011; 21(1): 5-9 -
성인예방접종에 대한 인식도
Survey on Adult Immunization
Inho Kwak, M.D.Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 1999; 9(1): 66-76
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