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편집자 주 - 30권 3호
Editorial for Vol. 30, Issue 3
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2020; 30(3): 83-85 : In commemoration of Vol. 30, Issue 3, our journal prepared five review articles and one original paper. The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has impacted our society, and especially the aviation and travel industries have been severely damaged. Kwon presented the aviation medical examination regulations related to COVID-19 announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of the Republic of Korea. Lim summarized various efforts of airlines to overcome the crisis in the aviation industry. He also discussed the management of these aircraft as the number of airplanes landing for long periods increased. Finally, he suggested various quarantine guidelines at airports and onboard aircraft. COVID-19 has had a profound impact on mental health as well as physical effects. Kim investigated the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and suggested ways to manage the stress caused by it. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a technology in which devices communicate with each other through wired or wireless communication. Hyun explained the current state of the technology of the IoT and how it could be used, especially in the aviation field. In the area of airline service, various situations arise between passengers and crew. Therefore, role-playing is useful in performing education to prepare and respond to passengers’ different needs appropriately. Ra introduced the conceptual background and general concepts of role-playing and presented the actual role-play’s preparation process, implementation, evaluation, and feedback process. For a fighter to fly for a long time and perform a rapid air attack, air refueling is essential, which serves refueling from the air rather than from the aircraft base. Koo developed a questionnaire based on the HFACS (Human Factors Analysis and Classification System) model and used it to conduct a fighter pilot survey and analyze the results.
Review Article2020-12-31
코로나바이러스감염증-19 (COVID-19)과 항공신체검사
COVID-19 and Aviation Medical Examination
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2020; 30(3): 86-90 : Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a significant impact on our society as a whole. The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis, it is also an economic, social and humanitarian crisis. Considering the dramatic global economic and social impact that the crisis has engendered, the aviation system is standing on the doorstep of rapid transformation. In particular, the impact on the aviation and travel industries is enormous. Air travel to most countries has been suspended and blocked. Looking at Korea’s current situation, COVID-19 has wholly changed the aviation industry. As COVID-19 spreads around the world, countries have come up with aviation safety measures. Infectious disease safety measures were established to protect passengers and crew members, and countries with collapsed medical systems extended the validity period for aviation medical examinations. In Korea, on August 11, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport provided guidance on medical measures related to COVID-19 through an official letter of “Notification of cautions for pilots and air traffic control officers (ATCO) when COVID-19 is confirmed”. Overseas countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have announced regulations for aviation medical examination regulations in relation to COVID-19, and have set standards for returning to aviation after COVID-19 is confirmed. In this paper, we would like to investigate the regulations for aviation medical examination related to COVID-19.
Review Article2020-12-31
COVID-19로 인한 항공 산업의 위기를 극복하기 위한 항공업계의 대응 방안
Aviation Operators’ Response Plan to Overcome the Crisis in the Aviation Industry Caused by COVID-19
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2020; 30(3): 91-94 : The coronavirus infectious disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a profound impact on the aviation industry. In order to overcome this crisis, airlines have made their efforts in various fields. Therefore, we tried to summarize these efforts of airlines. It is also essential to keep aircraft that have been in landing for a long time in optimal condition. In this paper, we tried to find out about efforts to maintain landing aircraft and maintenance of personnel. Through such constant care, airlines will be able to quickly respond to increasing aviation demand when the infectious disease situation is stabilized in the future. Finally, airlines and passengers must make several efforts to ensure that passengers are free from COVID-19 while traveling by air. These include general precautions to prevent infection, separation of airline personnel and passengers, changes in seat assignments and in-flight services, periodic aircraft disinfection, and prevention of in-flight infections.
편집자 주: 31권 1호
Editorial for Vol. 31, No. 1
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2021; 31(1): 1-3 : In Vol. 31, No. 1, our journal prepared four review articles and two original papers. First, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of our journal, the first review article described the history, development, and recent efforts for the qualitative improvement of the journal. For aviation workers, dizziness is an important disease that can interfere with their work. So, in the second review, we introduced guidelines that aviation medical examiners should be aware of in evaluating aviation workers who complain of dizziness. In the era of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is very important for aviation workers to get the vaccination safely and return to their work. So, Kwon introduced the latest updated guidelines for vaccination for aviation workers. In addition, Kim described the relationship between COVID-19 infection and respiratory allergic disease, and appropriate treatment guidelines. Lim investigated the recent trend of human papillomavirus vaccination for foreigners during the COVID-19 period, and investigated its implications. Finally, Ra developed various programs to strengthen students’ global competencies and analyzed their satisfaction.
Review Article2021-04-30
항공종사자와 코로나바이러스감염증-19 백신 예방 접종
COVID-19 Vaccination for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2021; 31(1): 13-16 : The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vaccine is expected to play an important role in stopping the pandemic. Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. Efforts to find an effective vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 have progressed unprecedentedly through active support from public research grants and private-public partnership programs. Clinical studies have been actively conducted, and some vaccines are being vaccinated with approval for urgent use. The WHO has approved and supplied the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. In Korea, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was approved for urgent use, and vaccination began on February 26, 2021. In this paper, the efficacy and side effects of each vaccines and the effect on pilots and air traffic controllers related to COVID-19 vaccination were investigated in terms of aviation medicine.
편집자 주: 31권 3호
Editorial for Vol. 31, No. 3
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2021; 31(3): 61-63 : In Vol. 31, No. 3, our journal prepared three review articles, an original paper, and two case reports. First, as COVID-19 continues for a long time, aviation workers, including pilots, are also experiencing mental problems such as depression. Therefore, we have compiled the basic principles for improving the mental health of pilots. Next, it is difficult to properly perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when a cardiac arrest situation occurs in an aircraft. Moreover, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, CPR is more difficult because medical staff and other passengers may also be exposed to infections. Therefore, we have summarized the principles of CPR on board and ways to perform CPR while keeping the safety of medical staff and other passengers in the COVID-19 situation. The sudden change of gravity caused by space travel has various effects on the human body, and among them, the effect on the immune system is profound. Therefore, we reviewed the research methods to study the effect of gravity on the immune system and the results. In addition, we analyzed the demographic characteristics and health status of immigrant visa applicants who intended to immigrate to the United States over the past five years. Next, through two case reports, we reported cases of determining physical fitness for aviation service in patients who recovered after receiving appropriate treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia or renal cell carcinoma.
Review Article2021-12-31
코로나19 팬데믹과 조종사 정신건강 관리
COVID-19 Pandemic and Pilot Mental Health Care
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2021; 31(3): 64-67 : When the COVID-19 crisis hit air transport, the whole aviation industry was affected. The change in the behavior of passengers following the COVID-19 crisis, travel restrictions and the ensuing economic crisis have resulted in a dramatic drop in demand for airline services. The COVID-19 pandemic, with all its associated consequences, has had a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of pilots, which could impact operational safety. As the number of international flights has decreased, pilots are exposed to high levels of psychological stress such as job instability, reduced income and increased risk of infection during flight work. Psychological stress lowers work performance and threatens aviation safety. The pilot needs mental health management during the COVID-19 pandemic, but psychological support is weak. For pilot mental health management, it is important to raise awareness about mental health and to continuously respond. To this end, it is necessary to foster a safe and trustworthy culture in which mental health issues are discussed freely and solved together without hiding them. They should also support the establishment of a peer support program that is easily accessible and that allows pilots to discuss their issues with confidence.
Review Article2022-12-31
코로나바이러스감염증-19 후유증과 항공안전
Long COVID and Aviation Safety
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2022; 32(3): 80-84 : Since its emergence in Wuhan, China, COVID-19 has spread and had a profound effect on the lives and health of people around the globe. Most people who develop COVID-19 fully recover, but current evidence suggests approximately 10% to 20% of people experience a variety of mid- and long-term effects after they recover from their initial illness. These mid- and long-term effects are collectively known as post covid-19 condition or “long COVID”. Studies have shown that a significant number of patients complain of multiple symptoms over a period of several months or longer. The symptoms of long covid include fatigue or muscle weakness, dyspnea, cognitive impairment, and depression or anxiety. These chronic symptoms can also negatively affect aviation safety. Therefore, this review summarizes studies of the long-term effects of COVID-19, and aeromedical implications of long COVID.
Review Article2023-06-30
포스트 코로나 대비 항공종사자 건강증진 방안: 싱잉볼 명상을 중심으로
A Study on Health Promotion Management Plan for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots in Post-COVID-19: Focusing on Singing Bowl Meditation
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2023; 33(2): 45-51 : COVID-19 has severely impacted the aviation industry, with air travel declining sharply and airlines cutting capacity as a result. Additionally, many countries have closed their borders to block spread of the virus. Air traffic controllers and pilots have also experienced negative effects, in that the experience required to maintain proficiency has decreased over the past three years. This has resulted in financial problems for airlines and air traffic control facilities, leading to increased job uncertainty and a manpower imbalance. As air traffic volumes begin to increase again, air traffic controllers and pilots responsible for passenger safety may experience extreme stress and anxiety in new situations. To address this problem, healthcare methods are needed to help aviation professionals to overcome stress and reduce anxiety. Meditation can stabilize the autonomic nervous system, promote relaxation and comfort in the mind and body, and could aid in smooth metabolism by suppressing the sympathetic nerves that cause our bodies to feel tension and activating the parasympathetic nerves. However, achieving the benefits of meditation can require time and effort, and general meditation can be challenging for individuals experiencing physical pain. Therefore, singing bowl meditation is recommended, as it can easily induce a meditative state. The sounds produced by Tibetan singing bowls can promote meditation by tuning the alpha waves, theta waves, and gamma waves of electoencephalography. Singing bowl meditation is a beneficial method for individuals with limited time or physical disabilities due to work schedules, such as air traffic controllers and pilots, to easily access meditation.
Original Article2023-09-30
The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Aviation Medical Examinations: A 24-Year Retrospective Analysis
Korean J Aerosp Environ Med 2023; 33(3): 80-85 : Purpose: Aviation medical exams are pivotal for health management in aviation professionals, ensuring safety. Despite their importance, a gap exists in literature detailing the dynamics of these exams, especially during the COVID-19 era. Methods: Longitudinal data assessed distribution and trends based on sex, age, and qualification. A segment analyzed the pandemic’s influence, and a correlation between pilot age and disqualification rate was evaluated. Results: Males represented 95.5% (124,751) of total applicants; females 4.5% (5,861). Age distribution: under 40 (53.2%), 40s (26.4%), 50s (16.1%), and over 60 (4.2%). The majority (94.7%) had class 1 type. The fit rate was 87.4%, with conditional fit at 11.9%. Exams increased from 2,529 in 2000 to 15,149 in 2019, then decreased during COVID-19, with an expected recovery in 2023. Pilots’ trend mirrored this, with projections to exceed 12,000 exams in 2023. Of the pilots, 0.15% were deemed unfit, with age correlating with disqualification. Conclusion: This study illuminates the evolution and impact of aviation medical examinations over 24 years, accentuating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Original Article2023-06-30
비행훈련 시 학생조종사 인적요인 영향에 대하여
The Influence of Human Factors in Flight Training
Abstract : Purpose: Most aviation accidents are caused by human factors, and in recent years in Korea, human factors have been identified as the cause of 70% of aviation accidents. Human factors that influence pilots in the aviation field are closely linked to judgment ability and are crucial factors directly impacting flight proficiency. Methods: To explore the human factors that may affect student pilots during flight training, a survey was conducted among flight instructors holding pilot certificates. Results: The results aim not only to identify the human factors that can influence flight performance during training but also to establish a direction for safety by addressing the human factors related to student pilots, with the goal of maintaining safety. Conclusion: Understanding the human factors that affect student pilots, who will be responsible for transporting hundreds of passengers in the future, is essential for cultivating safety knowledge and risk management skills, making it a highly important matter for accident prevention.
Case Report2023-12-31
Deterioration and Recurrence in Flight Passengers with Ischemic Stroke: An Evidence Based Case Report
Abstract : Ischemic stroke is a cerebrovascular disease characterized by a sudden neurological deficit due to thrombotic or embolic event. The physiological changes during in-flight related to high altitude, hypobaric hypoxic, is a condition that can affect blood circulation in the brain. There was limited evidence to prove the possibility of clinical condition deterioration and/or new onset of recurrent stroke among commercial flight passengers with ischemic stroke. This evidence-based case report aims to determine the possibility of clinical condition deterioration and/or new onset of recurrent stroke on commercial flight passengers with history of ischemic stroke related to hypoxia hypobaric during the in-flight or post-flight period. Three relevant articles were found in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, and Ingenta library databases. After critical appraisal, all of the relevant articles were shown to be valid, important, and applicability with the level of evidence ranging from III–IV. There were no studies that reported a clinical condition deterioration and/or a new onset of recurrent stroke among commercial flight passengers with ischemic stroke. However, two studies reported a new case of ischemic stroke during in-flight with unknown etiology. Commercial flight passengers with history of ischemic stroke didn’t show any clinical condition deterioration and/or a new onset of ischemi stroke during in-flight or post-flight.
Original Article2023-03-31
항공학과 학생들의 MBTI 성격 유형별 조직몰입 및 팀워크 역량 차이분석
Analyzing the Differences in Organizational Commitment and Teamwork Competence by MBTI Personality Type of Aviation Department Students
Abstract : Purpose: For students who have already decided on their career path by entering the aviation departments, this study aims to analyze organizational commitment and teamwork relationships using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type as a tool. Methods: In order to investigate the career choices of aviation workers according to MBTI personality types, a survey was conducted targeting enrolled in and graduating from the aviation departments, and organizational commitment and teawork were analyzed using SPSS WIN 21.0. Results: Sening, Feeling, and Perceiving were mainly found in students who chose cabin crew as their career, whereas students in department of flight crew and aviation maintenance showed high level in Instuition, Thinkg, and Juding. As a result of the analysis, the MBTI type for each career path of aviation students was mainly ENTP for flight crew students, ESFP for cabin crew students, and INTP for aviation maintenance students. Conclusion: Even if students make their choice based on advice, subjective and objective judgments in choosing a career path, there are cases in which the chosen job does not suit them. Therefore, it is hoped that various indicators such as the MBTI will be used to help studnes choose their career path.
Review Article2023-09-30
항공분야에서의 블록체인 기술 현황
Blockchain: An Overview and Its Applications in Aviation
Abstract : Blockchain is a type of distributed database managed through multiple network transaction details (P2P, Peer to Peer), and transaction information is stored on multiple computers (nodes) connected to the blockchain network instead of storing it in one server. It is an algorithm that binds transaction details to form blocks, connects multiple blocks like a chain, and then copies and distributes them by a large number of people. In the case of the aviation industry, it is worth making full use of blockchain technology to revolutionize existing systems and business processes in terms of cost and transaction transparency, so blockchain can become one of the innovative technologies that will change the paradigm of the aviation industry. As the blockchain market is still in an immature stage and the development of technology is expected in the future, it is necessary to prepare support measures to lead and preempt the global blockchain market in the future through development support and cooperation that can be actively used in the field.
Review Article2023-09-30
SHELL 모델에 근거한 의료사고 인적요인 분석의 탐색적 연구
An Exploratory Study on Human Factor Analysis of Medical Accidents Using the SHELL (Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware) Model
Abstract : The SHELL (Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware) model is one of the models for determining the cause of aviation accidents. The human factors of medical accidents are analyzed through the SHELL model. This study is a case study that analyzed a total of three cases, including two medical accident court precedents and one large fire at a medical institution. In the human factor analysis of cases 1 and 2, the main factors were that liveware (human) violated the duty of care and did not follow the guidelines of the institution. The large fire incident in the hospital in Case 3 was caused by a lack of awareness of the safety of managers, the installation of illegal facilities and environments, lack of medical staff’s response and training, and the condition of patients who were mostly elderly. The liveware at the center of the SHELL model is the most important human factor, and the environment, facilities, and equipment surrounding liveware must be supplemented to prevent future medical accidents.
Review Article2024-09-30
Effects of Microgravity on Muscle and Bone Health in Astronauts During Space Missions: Preventive Procedures and Medical Interventions
Abstract : This study examines the effects of microgravity and space radiation on astronauts’ muscle and bone health during space missions. Microgravity leads to muscle atrophy and alterations in muscle tissue composition, whereas space radiation impacts bone cells by increasing osteoclast activity and decreasing osteoblast activity. The findings underscore the critical need for preventive measures, post-mission rehabilitation, and the use of specialized equipment and technology—such as microgravity-adapted treadmills and nutritional supplements—to sustain astronaut health. This study lays the groundwork for developing effective protection and intervention strategies for long-duration space exploration, highlighting the necessity of a thorough understanding of how the space environment affects the human body to ensure optimal health and performance in space.
Review Article2024-03-31
항공교통관제분야 교대근무자를 위한 피로관리 전략
Fatigue Management Strategy for Shift Workers in the Air Traffic Control
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.

Review Article2020-04-30
Effects of Microgravity on Human Physiology
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Original Article2020-04-30
항공종사자 건강증진활동계획에 반영되어야 할 근거자료: 3년간의 항공신체검사 결과 분석
Analysis of Three Years of Airmen Medical Certificate for Preparing Aviation-related Health Promotion Plan
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Review Article2020-04-30
한국형 기내 의학적 상황 대처 방안 안내서
Korean Guideline for Managing In-flight Medical Events
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Review Article2020-08-31
피로위험관리를 위한 조종사 피로측정방법 고찰
A Study on the Pilot Fatigue Measurement Methods for Fatigue Risk Management
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Original Article2020-08-31
최근 5년간 국적항공사 조종사의 항공신체검사 부적합 판정결과
Survey of Medically Disqualified Airline Pilots in Korea: 2015~2019
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Review Article2023-03-31
중대재해처벌법 시행에 따른 항공분야 위험성 평가 기법 연구
A Study on the Risk Assessment Technique of Aviation Sector in the Serious Accidents Punishment Act
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Review Article2023-03-31
The Improvement of Pilot Fatigue Management
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.

Review Article2023-09-30
SHELL 모델에 근거한 의료사고 인적요인 분석의 탐색적 연구
An Exploratory Study on Human Factor Analysis of Medical Accidents Using the SHELL (Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware) Model
Abstract : The SHELL (Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware) model is one of the models for determining the cause of aviation accidents. The human factors of medical accidents are analyzed through the SHELL model. This study is a case study that analyzed a total of three cases, including two medical accident court precedents and one large fire at a medical institution. In the human factor analysis of cases 1 and 2, the main factors were that liveware (human) violated the duty of care and did not follow the guidelines of the institution. The large fire incident in the hospital in Case 3 was caused by a lack of awareness of the safety of managers, the installation of illegal facilities and environments, lack of medical staff’s response and training, and the condition of patients who were mostly elderly. The liveware at the center of the SHELL model is the most important human factor, and the environment, facilities, and equipment surrounding liveware must be supplemented to prevent future medical accidents.
Original Article2023-03-31
항공학과 학생들의 MBTI 성격 유형별 조직몰입 및 팀워크 역량 차이분석
Analyzing the Differences in Organizational Commitment and Teamwork Competence by MBTI Personality Type of Aviation Department Students
Abstract : Purpose: For students who have already decided on their career path by entering the aviation departments, this study aims to analyze organizational commitment and teamwork relationships using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type as a tool. Methods: In order to investigate the career choices of aviation workers according to MBTI personality types, a survey was conducted targeting enrolled in and graduating from the aviation departments, and organizational commitment and teawork were analyzed using SPSS WIN 21.0. Results: Sening, Feeling, and Perceiving were mainly found in students who chose cabin crew as their career, whereas students in department of flight crew and aviation maintenance showed high level in Instuition, Thinkg, and Juding. As a result of the analysis, the MBTI type for each career path of aviation students was mainly ENTP for flight crew students, ESFP for cabin crew students, and INTP for aviation maintenance students. Conclusion: Even if students make their choice based on advice, subjective and objective judgments in choosing a career path, there are cases in which the chosen job does not suit them. Therefore, it is hoped that various indicators such as the MBTI will be used to help studnes choose their career path.
Review Article2023-06-30
한국공군의 예측적 안전관리를 위한 FOQA 시스템 고찰 연구
A Study on the Flight Operations Quality Assurance System for Predictive Safety Management of the Republic of Korea Air Force
Abstract : In 1962, British Airways implemented Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) for the first time in order to reduce the rate of increase in aviation accidents, which could increase due to the expansion of the aviation industry and the increase in traffic. After that, in 1995, it was developed for the purpose of collecting/analyzing flight data on technical defects and dangerous situations that occur in actual flights through voluntary participation programs by U.S. airlines. In the private sector, it has been regulated and operated in most countries since early 2000 according to the recommendations of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Federal Aviation Administration. In addition, civil airlines are required to conduct FOQA as part of Safety Management System in accordance with ICAO ANNEX-6. The U.S. Air Force benchmarks the FOQA safety program in the civilian sector and applies it under the name of Military FOQA. Therefore, in the Republic of Korea Air Force, there is a need to ensure flight safety in an objective and scientific way by deriving event parameters for the introduction of the flight data analysis system in order to perform predictive safety management in accordance with the trend of the times.
Review Article2024-03-31
항공교통관제분야 교대근무자를 위한 피로관리 전략
Fatigue Management Strategy for Shift Workers in the Air Traffic Control
Abstract : Recently, shift work, including night shift, has been widely implemented in modern society. These include workplaces that have to work 24 hours a day for production processes, such as petrochemicals, power plants, and steel industries, as well as industries necessary to secure public services such as gas and electricity. In particular, workers in the aviation sector are mostly engaged in shift work due to the nature of their 24 hours of continuous work. Most shift workplaces comply with legal work regulations, but they fail to take into account workers’ fatigue and focus only on compliance with regulatory requirements. Specifically, shift work needs to provide minimum guidelines for workers’ safety and health. Therefore, this study analyzed and reviewed the current status of shift work in the air traffic control field, where shift work is essential, and presented guidelines for the safety and health care of shift workers. First of all, the international shift work guidelines and domestic laws related to shift work were reviewed, and the characteristics of the shift work system in the air traffic control field were reviewed. For the guidelines, we discussed the shift method, shift speed (direction), shift work hours and hours, night work, and other considerations.
Original Article2023-06-30
비행훈련 시 학생조종사 인적요인 영향에 대하여
The Influence of Human Factors in Flight Training
Abstract : Purpose: Most aviation accidents are caused by human factors, and in recent years in Korea, human factors have been identified as the cause of 70% of aviation accidents. Human factors that influence pilots in the aviation field are closely linked to judgment ability and are crucial factors directly impacting flight proficiency. Methods: To explore the human factors that may affect student pilots during flight training, a survey was conducted among flight instructors holding pilot certificates. Results: The results aim not only to identify the human factors that can influence flight performance during training but also to establish a direction for safety by addressing the human factors related to student pilots, with the goal of maintaining safety. Conclusion: Understanding the human factors that affect student pilots, who will be responsible for transporting hundreds of passengers in the future, is essential for cultivating safety knowledge and risk management skills, making it a highly important matter for accident prevention.
Review Article2023-06-30
포스트 코로나 대비 항공종사자 건강증진 방안: 싱잉볼 명상을 중심으로
A Study on Health Promotion Management Plan for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots in Post-COVID-19: Focusing on Singing Bowl Meditation
Abstract : COVID-19 has severely impacted the aviation industry, with air travel declining sharply and airlines cutting capacity as a result. Additionally, many countries have closed their borders to block spread of the virus. Air traffic controllers and pilots have also experienced negative effects, in that the experience required to maintain proficiency has decreased over the past three years. This has resulted in financial problems for airlines and air traffic control facilities, leading to increased job uncertainty and a manpower imbalance. As air traffic volumes begin to increase again, air traffic controllers and pilots responsible for passenger safety may experience extreme stress and anxiety in new situations. To address this problem, healthcare methods are needed to help aviation professionals to overcome stress and reduce anxiety. Meditation can stabilize the autonomic nervous system, promote relaxation and comfort in the mind and body, and could aid in smooth metabolism by suppressing the sympathetic nerves that cause our bodies to feel tension and activating the parasympathetic nerves. However, achieving the benefits of meditation can require time and effort, and general meditation can be challenging for individuals experiencing physical pain. Therefore, singing bowl meditation is recommended, as it can easily induce a meditative state. The sounds produced by Tibetan singing bowls can promote meditation by tuning the alpha waves, theta waves, and gamma waves of electoencephalography. Singing bowl meditation is a beneficial method for individuals with limited time or physical disabilities due to work schedules, such as air traffic controllers and pilots, to easily access meditation.
Review Article2023-03-31
중대재해처벌법 시행에 따른 항공분야 위험성 평가 기법 연구
A Study on the Risk Assessment Technique of Aviation Sector in the Serious Accidents Punishment Act
Abstract : Currently, an important keyword for safety issues in Korean society is the enforcement of the Serious Accidents Punishment (SAP) Act. The purpose of enacting the SAP Act is to prevent accidents and disasters by establishing a system in which society, business, and organizations systematically manage safety and health. The mandatory measures for the enforcement of the SAP Act are to have manpower and budget necessary for accident prevention, and to establish and implement a safety and health management system. Measures concerning the establishment and implementation of the safety and health system begin with the application or risk management procedures to identify hazards, eliminate risk factors, and prepare control measures. In order to increase the validity of the risk management application results, it is important to apply a technique for risk assessment that systematically evaluates risk factors. Therefore, this study intends to examine the recent trends and implications of risk assessment techniques. First, based on the risk assessment guidelines of the MOEL in Korea, major risk assessment techniques were considered and examples were presented. The representative risk assessment techniques consider are 4M, Checklist, HAZOP (HAZards & Operability Studies), What-IF, JSA(Job Safety Analysis), FTA (Fault Tree Analysis), ETA (Event Tree Analysis), and CCA (Cause Consequence Analysis).